Transglutaminase (TG) Enzyme
Transglutaminase enzyme catalyses the bond formation between free amino acids causing inter- or intramolecular cross linking in proteins which enhances the color, texture and solidness of the substrate/product. They are of huge significance in food industry and most widely used on soy, caseins, glutens, etc.
Some of the common uses of TG enzyme are-

Meat processing
Improves the texture of the meat
Improves the meat binding
Induces the elimination of phosphates and caseinates
Easy slicing
Improves the appearance of the product.
Fish meat processing
Induces the extra binding and enhances the strength
Improves the preservation
Improves elasticity and texture
Facilitates easy deboning

Facilitates bread production from damaged and low protein flour
Improves performance of gluten free flour
Improvement in dough appearance which lasts for longer time period

Induces the elimination of gelatin
Increases the cheese production
Increases and improves texture of cheese
Increases creaminess into fermented milk products (eg. Yogurt)
Improves the binding in soy product
Reduces the risk of heart diseases (added in
food supplement
It helps in neutralization of harmful free radicals
(added in food supplements)
Anti – inflammatory and anti-ageing property used in